Tiffany Stone / Opalized
Fluorite / Bertrandite
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Opal Fluorite rough 8/20 - 02 -
From my personal stash... 1 Very Large rough chunk showing
purple and white colors in an opalized base. If slabbed
there will be some waste as there are large areas of white.
It does seem to have an agate core but a lot is not showing
so there could be some excellent surprises. This one also
has potential for spheres. You don't see this size often
these days.
6.5 x 6.5 x 6 inches - 10 pounds - $100.00
Opalized Fluorite!
This material is one of the most scarce,
beautiful and unusual stones in the world, this stone only comes from
one very small area of beryllium mines in the Utah west desert where
they mine (the 4th lightest element) beryllium for use in missile nose
cones and many other high-tech metallurgical uses. It is not open to
the public for collecting and very little of this material sees
anything other than the ore crusher to extract the about 1% to 2%
beryllium contained in the opal tuff. Try to find this exquisite
gemstone and you'll see that it's not only very rare, it is
very scarce. It is a soft to hard opalized stone that forms in
very small to 100+ pound "nodules", composed of predominantly
opalized fluorite (blues, purples and whites), often with many
other minerals such as quartz, dolomite, rhodonite, manganese,
beryllium and other surprises. It often has a "crackled" appearance
and is sometimes called "Tiffany Stone", "Bertrandite" "Purple Opal"
or "Ice Cream Opalite". I call it Opal-Fluorite.