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Vistaite / Vistite picture jasper designer gem 9/7/2021 01 - 50 x 35 x 4.8 mm - 56 carats - Here's something special you don't see a lot of... This cabochon is a large gem of a very special jasper from Oregon. Cut from a beautiful old stock jasper from Oregon. Dug over 30 years ago in the Ochoco's in central Oregon not far from Walton Lake. The Vistaite beds are dug out today. This material is alluvial so if you were lucky when you were digging if you got a piece or two if not you could go home empty handed. Today it is vary difficult to come by. This is a hard jasper and it takes a great polish. Vistaite jasper is known for it's rich and vivid sky blue colors and stunning landscape patterns.. This is truly a rare material. Perhaps the rarest and most valuable of all the picture jaspers. This stone has a beautifully rounded medium dome, girdled sides and a flat beveled back all with high gloss luster. $390.00 shipped to USA - paypal SOLD