Covellite / Covelline - Peru
click to enlarge:

3/14 - 01 - Beautiful
Blue and Gold - Super Rare Gem
cab. It's so reflective it's hard to get a picture without
dark areas. Top Notch - Even Better in person. Polished both
sides - last pic shows the back. AAA+
36 x 19 x 4 mm - 31 carat - $69.00
and Rare metallic blue
Covellite from Peru. This material is very rare and
expensive as well as Extremely Beautiful. I've been wanting
to cut it for years and I was not disappointed. I love it.
From Melody's book, LOVE IS
IN THE EARTH: "Covellite
Has been used successfully
to stimulate the third-eye and to initiate psychic power.
It enhances ones communication skills and stimulates a
positive outlook; it encourages verbalization of that which
is positive. It can assist in transforming conscious
“dreams” into realities, allowing one to maintain humility
of spirit and to recognize that energy, properly directed
and understood, can bring “miracles” to ones life." |