Ajoite Gem - Messinia, Africa
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Ajoite cab 7/31
- 01
- Super Nice Extremely Rare Blue gem.
x 21 x 2.5 mm - 13 carat - $55.00
Very little of this material left and I currently cannot get
Ajoite is the Holy Grail of Copper Silicates.
The most rare and desirable of blues. It is an attractive copper silicate mineral
that is named for its type locality in the Ajo District of Pima County,
Arizona. It is a secondary mineral that forms from the oxidation of other
secondary copper minerals. Ajoite forms excellent microcrystal specimens.
The small prismatic crystals are often arranged in tufts with an almost
aquamarine-like blue green color. It is associated with other rare and
colorful minerals such as shattuckite, copper, papagoite and plancheite;
which makes specimens even more attractive. The color variety in a single
multi-mineral specimen is sometimes surreal. Massive samples of ajoite are
also unique and are sometimes carved or tumbled and can be used as an
ornamental stone. Ajoite's classification as a phyllosilicate is
questionable as its true structure is as yet unknown.
This excelent and rare rough comes from
Messinia South Africa and is much nicer lapidary material overall that the
Ajoite from Ajo AZ. Harder and less pitting and fractures and broader bands
of ajoite in the quartz. I hope you enjoy it.
Metaphysical: From Love Is In The Earth by
Melody: Ajoite produces a melding between the heart chakra and the throat
chakra and facilitates speaking that which is in one's heart. This quality
provides for a peacefulness within ones emotional system and joyful
acceptance of ones surroundings, circumstances and environment. The energy
of Ajoite also brings peace within the self, regardless of ones actual
physical or mental location; it stimulates understanding and total
acceptance. the "Earth Keeper" of the Ajoite phantom crystal will
find clarity of spirit through communication via the heart, bringing to
fruition the perfection of love and facilitating communion with all of the
integral part of the earth, sky and life. It can be used to eliminate
hostility- it is quite difficult for one to remain hostile toward oneself; in
addition, and following the same logic, it can also be used to eliminate
anger, abrasiveness, jealousy, prejudice....and all of the negative
attributes one could imagine.